ProductRepository.php#131mappyfy790μsselect*from `products` where (`status` =1) and (`request_status` =1) and (exists (select*from `sellers` where `products`.`user_id` = `sellers`.`id` and (`status` ='approved')) or ((`added_by` ='admin'and `status` =1))) and `product_type` in ('digital', 'physical') and `slug` ='f-test-2-OOgzLz' limit 1
ProductRepository.php#131mappyfy810μsselect*from `stock_clearance_products` where `stock_clearance_products`.`product_id` in (16) and (`is_active` =1) and `added_by` in ('admin', 'vendor') andexists (select*from `stock_clearance_setups` where `stock_clearance_products`.`setup_id` = `stock_clearance_setups`.`id` and `is_active` =1anddate(`duration_start_date`) <='2025-03-15'anddate(`duration_end_date`) >='2025-03-15'and ((`offer_active_time` ='specific_time'andtime(`offer_active_range_start`) <='03:52:11'andtime(`offer_active_range_end`) >='03:52:11') or (`offer_active_time` ='always'and `offer_active_range_start` isnulland `offer_active_range_end` isnull)))
ProductRepository.php#131mappyfy780μsselect*from `translations` where `translations`.`translationable_id` in (16) and `translations`.`translationable_type` ='App\\Models\\Product'and `locale` ='en'
ProductRepository.php#352mappyfy610μsselectcount(*) as aggregate from `products` where (`status` =1) and (`request_status` =1) and (exists (select*from `sellers` where `products`.`user_id` = `sellers`.`id` and (`status` ='approved')) or ((`added_by` ='admin'and `status` =1))) and `product_type` in ('digital', 'physical') and (`added_by` ='seller') and `user_id` =10and `id` notin (16)
ProductRepository.php#352mappyfy520μsselectcount(*) as aggregate from `products` where (`status` =1) and (`request_status` =1) and (exists (select*from `sellers` where `products`.`user_id` = `sellers`.`id` and (`status` ='approved')) or ((`added_by` ='admin'and `status` =1))) and `product_type` in ('digital', 'physical') and (`added_by` ='seller') and `user_id` =10
ProductRepository.php#352mappyfy690μsselect `products`.*, (selectcount(*) from `reviews` where `products`.`id` = `reviews`.`product_id` and `status` =1and `status` =1) as `reviews_count` from `products` where (`status` =1) and (`request_status` =1) and (exists (select*from `sellers` where `products`.`user_id` = `sellers`.`id` and (`status` ='approved')) or ((`added_by` ='admin'and `status` =1))) and `product_type` in ('digital', 'physical') and (`added_by` ='seller') and `user_id` =10 limit 25offset0
ProductRepository.php#352mappyfy360μsselect*from `translations` where `translations`.`translationable_id` in (16) and `translations`.`translationable_type` ='App\\Models\\Product'and `locale` ='en'
ProductRepository.php#352mappyfy440μsselectcount(*) as aggregate from `products` where (`status` =1) and (`request_status` =1) and (exists (select*from `sellers` where `products`.`user_id` = `sellers`.`id` and (`status` ='approved')) or ((`added_by` ='admin'and `status` =1))) and `product_type` in ('digital', 'physical') and (`category_id` =4) and `id` notin (16)
ProductRepository.php#352mappyfy750μsselect*from `products` where (`status` =1) and (`request_status` =1) and (exists (select*from `sellers` where `products`.`user_id` = `sellers`.`id` and (`status` ='approved')) or ((`added_by` ='admin'and `status` =1))) and `product_type` in ('digital', 'physical') and (`category_id` =4) and `id` notin (16) limit 12offset0
cart-manager.php#128mappyfy1.44msselect `cart_group_id` from `carts` whereexists (select*from `products` where `carts`.`product_id` = `products`.`id` and (`status` =1) and (`request_status` =1) and (exists (select*from `sellers` where `products`.`user_id` = `sellers`.`id` and (`status` ='approved')) or ((`added_by` ='admin'and `status` =1))) and `product_type` in ('digital', 'physical') and `status` =1) and (`customer_id` =4645and `is_guest` =1) groupby `cart_group_id`
cart-manager.php#67mappyfy730μsselect*from `carts` whereexists (select*from `products` where `carts`.`product_id` = `products`.`id` and (`status` =1) and (`request_status` =1) and (exists (select*from `sellers` where `products`.`user_id` = `sellers`.`id` and (`status` ='approved')) or ((`added_by` ='admin'and `status` =1))) and `product_type` in ('digital', 'physical') and `status` =1) and0=1
cart-manager.php#128mappyfy480μsselect `cart_group_id` from `carts` whereexists (select*from `products` where `carts`.`product_id` = `products`.`id` and (`status` =1) and (`request_status` =1) and (exists (select*from `sellers` where `products`.`user_id` = `sellers`.`id` and (`status` ='approved')) or ((`added_by` ='admin'and `status` =1))) and `product_type` in ('digital', 'physical') and `status` =1) and (`customer_id` =4645and `is_guest` =1) groupby `cart_group_id`
cart-manager.php#67mappyfy710μsselect*from `carts` whereexists (select*from `products` where `carts`.`product_id` = `products`.`id` and (`status` =1) and (`request_status` =1) and (exists (select*from `sellers` where `products`.`user_id` = `sellers`.`id` and (`status` ='approved')) or ((`added_by` ='admin'and `status` =1))) and `product_type` in ('digital', 'physical') and `status` =1) and0=1and (`is_checked` =1)